When your car is being repaired, you could be hearing things that have to do with your car and you may not know what it is. You want the best repair out there for your car, and your insurance company wants you to get your vehicle back to you as soon as possible. Wouldn’t that be the same thing?
Your insurance company wants the fastest repair possible because it’s also the most affordable. However, quick repairs don’t always guarantee you’ll get the highest quality repair for your vehicle. But before we go into that, here’s what you need to know about the difference between OEM Parts and Aftermarket Parts.
What is OEM?
OEM stands for “Original Equipment Manufacturer.” These are the parts that are made by the vehicle’s manufacturer and are the best parts for your car. Years ago, you could have your car repaired the same way for a particular type of service with a technician using various tools. However, this is no longer the case. In fact, even the way you repair cars is entirely different than how it was just 5 years ago.
The way you repair cars today has significantly changed due to the advancements in car technologies, such as ADAS systems. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, or ADAS for short, are the technologies built into the car that has been engineered to keep you safe on the road. Some of the popular ADAS systems in cars are:
-Blind spot detection
-Lane departure warning
-Rearview camera
-Forward collision warning
And many more!
Auto repair technicians today require a specific skill set to be up-to-date on the latest repairs following these OEM repair procedures. If they don’t follow the strict repair procedures directly from the car manufacturer, then it could cause more harm than good to your car.
What are Aftermarket Parts?
There are several repair shops out that still use aftermarket parts, which is just another way of saying “used parts.” When insurance companies are putting on the pressure for faster repairs, this means technicians will most likely cut corners to get the repairs done in the deadline.
Technicians will use aftermarket parts instead of OEM parts because there’s no downtime in waiting for the parts to arrive from the factory. Aftermarket parts are also less expensive than OEM parts, and insurance companies want the cheapest repair out there. The biggest problem with using aftermarket parts instead of OEM parts is they can severely damage or destroy the safety features cars today are built with (such as ADAS). For example, if your ADAS system was damaged in a crash and wasn’t repaired with OEM parts, then those advanced safety features will no longer work. When that happens, you’re that much more susceptible to be in an accident.
That being, there are certain scenarios where using aftermarket parts on your car are acceptable for the repair. It’s very rate, so always push for only OEM repair on your car.
Who can I trust to repair my car the RIGHT way?
We at Rocco’s Collison Centers know that you have many choices when it comes to choosing where to get your car repaired, especially in the Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey areas. Each one of our technicians has gone through extensive training and have received their certifications through I-CAR, PPG, and 3M. We follow OEM repair procedures and even work with insurance companies to ensure your vehicle is in the best hands with us.
We aim to show you why we are the best out there, which is why we are dedicated to giving you the best repair possible for your car!
We have 6 different locations across Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. We invite you to see for yourself why Rocco’s is the best out there! Feel free to give us a call at anytime at (888)-9-ROCCOS. Or to schedule an appointment or to call any of our locations directly, click here.
We look forward to hearing from you!